9th Cold Chain & Temperature Control Summit

9th Cold Chain & Temperature Control Summit
9th Cold Chain & Temperature Control Summit

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How are pharmacists involved in ensuring stability of temperature controlled pharma products?

During program development of the 8th Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals Global Forum, many people told us about the recent focus on ensuring stability of temperature controlled medicines during the 'last mile' of distribution before reaching the patient. Recent guidance, including the PDA's Technical Report 46 on 'last mile' best practices, have reinforced this focus by the entire industry.

Specific questions that came up in our research were:
  • How do pharmacists communicate temperature requirements to customers?
  • How important do pharmacists and physicians feel it is to maintain the product at the storage conditions specified on the label?
  • How do pharmacists and physicians ensure that products are stored at the correct temperatures while in the pharmacy?
  • What additional needs to pharmacies have that would assist in maintaining temperatures? How can the pharmaceutical industry and interest groups help with these needs?
Give us your input on these questions by taking our survey at www.coldchainpharma.com/survey.

Want to learn more about controlling the distribution process through pharmacists and physcians or get a survey results summary? Find out how at www.coldchainpharma.com/survey.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to the Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Blog!

This blog will feature news and events about safely distributing temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products and how to develop strong collaborations with cold chain partners and other stakeholders. For more information, best practices and strategies, check out the 8th Annual Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals Global Forum.

Please check back often for updates and leave comments, suggestions and questions if you would like.